Thank you for joining me! In this blog I will discuss with you the 5 Reasons why you may like to become a freelance writer.
We have all had a journey to follow in our careers and then one day you realise that you need to live your life, not work your life away. Yes it is a lightbulb moment!
You are capable, you are knowledgeable, you are you!
Someone once said if you do what you love you will never have to work another day in your life! Yes that sounds great however don’t get me wrong freelance writing is a lot of work and you will have to learn all sorts of exiting new stuff. I did and I’m 61 years young. The amazing thing is that there is so much useful information out there that irrespective of your abilities you can learn new skills.
Needless to say if you don’t like writing, researching this is not for you, however if you are exited check out the 5 Reasons to be a Freelance Writer, let’s go!
1. Do what you love as a freelance writer
Freelance writing gives you the opportunity to work in the field that really interests you because you can choose in what genre you would like to specialise or which niche as the lingo goes. The obvious choice for you would be to be a freelance writer in an area which you most enjoy, be it business related of one of your hobbies.
If you have a special knowledge lets say insurance that would fall under the business category whereas if you love gardening and want to write about that because that makes it happy then do it. The choice is yours.
2. As a Freelance writer you have choices
You can choose if you would like to write for businesses i.e. Business to Business (B2B) or Business to Client (B2C), or;
You could choose write How to guides, recipes, blog time saving tips etc. The list is as endless as your drive and imagination.
You could write web pages for clients and off course it would be wise for you to establish your own website so you would be writing for yourself as well.
3. Unleash your inquisitive mind as a freelance writer
In the process of setting yourself up as a freelance writer you will be doing lots of research and although initially it may seem like a daunting task you will surprise yourself at how quickly it becomes this great adventure of discovery.
You will leap onto your computer every day ready to make new discoveries whether it is learning how to blog, setting up your website or researching for a client assignment.
4. Self improvement by the bucket load
You will learn how to project and time manage yourself. As a freelance writer you will learn to prospect for new business, schedule your workload.
As your business grows so will your abilities and self confidence. All you have to do is get up each morning with will power and determination. You should want to help others be the best they can be so you can be your best self.
5. Yes you can earn a living from freelance writing
Off course you will be able to replace your current income and then some providing you work at it. It will not just fall into your lap. You will have to hustle for business and the best way is to use your blog and social media marketing strategies to your advantage. Do your homework, do your due diligence.
Before investing into any course or resource check out the comments on the suppliers website. I did the Elna Cain Freelance Writing course and her Bloggers Website in a weekend and found both invaluable as it gave me direction.
I read tons of articles relating to freelance writing, some resonated with me and others not. Trust your gut.
This is a great outlet for your creativity in both word and visuals.
Color your world with words!